"This post is written by Tim Bruce, Sr. Solutions Architect, Developer Acceleration. Game development is a highly iterative process with rapidly changing requirements."
"SvelteKit is an upcoming app framework built around Svelte. As the next evolution to Sapper, it inherits much of its functionality such as file-based routing, Server Side Rendering, and TypeScript support."
"I am hosting a static website on Amazon S3. Some of my client-side javascript parses the query strings to control the HTML. This works fine locally, but on the S3-hosted version, the query strings seem to get dropped from the request."
"If you’re using a CNAME on your root domain, you’re gonna have problems. That’s just a DNS thing – and if you want to host a root domain on S3, you won’t be provided with an IP address by AWS."
"Learn how to set up your static content site using Amazon Web Services S3 buckets and Cloudflare proxying. You can use Cloudflare to proxy sites that rely on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to store static content using Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)."
"I’ve spent a fair bit of time with API Gateway over the past few years. It’s an awesome (if occasionally frustrating) service for building serverless web APIs using Lambda functions."
"A couple years ago, I took a road trip from Wisconsin to Washington and mostly stayed in rural hotels on the way. I expected the internet in rural areas too sparse to have cable internet to be slow, but I was still surprised that a large fraction of the web was inaccessible."
"Clean code is like clean garbage – it’s only truly clean if it doesn’t exist. In other words, the only clean code is no code. Let’s start with an acknowledgment that a perfectly clean (empty) codebase is useless."
"This whitepaper presents a deep dive into the AWS Lambda service through a security lens. It provides a well-rounded picture of the service, which is useful for new adopters, and deepens understanding of Lambda for current users." read »
"If you’re working with DynamoDB, you’re likely to rely on Condition Expressions when manipulating items in your table. Condition Expressions can ensure you don’t overwrite existing users, allow bank account balances to drop below $0, or give Admin access to every user in your application."
"Ever since then U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright memorably called the United States “indispensable” more than two decades ago, both Americans and publics abroad have vigorously debated the proposition."
"These are the props you can set on the LayerCake component itself. You set them all like so: A list of data items. If this is not a flat data array of objects, you'll also need to set flatData."
[codepen_embed height="265" theme_id="light" slug_hash="dypqrPO" default_tab="js,result" user="ainalem"]See the Pen <a href='https://codepen.io/ainalem/pen/dypqrPO'>Scroll to choose topic</a> by Mikael Ainalem (<a href='https://codepen.io/ainalem'>@ainalem</a>) on <a href='https://codepen.io'>CodePen</a>.[/codepen_embed] read »
"Reduced sleep duration and sleep deprivation have been associated with cognitive impairment as well as decreased white matter integrity as reported by experimental studies. However, it is largely unknown whether differences in sleep duration and sleep quality might affect microstructural white matter and cognition. " read full text »
"The term bristlecone pine covers three species of pine tree (family Pinaceae, genus Pinus, subsection Balfourianae). All three species are long-lived and highly resilient to harsh weather and bad soils. One of the three species, Pinus longaeva, is among the longest-lived life forms on Earth."
"This is the 2nd post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. In the 1st we’ve discussed Recorder.js. In this blog post, we’ll cover using WebAudioRecorder.js to record mp3, vorbis and wav audio on your website."