Workaday Reading

Dark Isn’t Just a Mode

"In my last column, I wrote about dark patterns, but this time I want to discuss something that is literally rather than metaphorically dark: inverted polarity–display methods, or dark mode. But, for many UX designers, dark mode is a new thing because operating systems are now supporting it."

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Workaday Reading

The Wrong Abstraction — Sandi Metz

"I originally wrote the following for my Chainline Newsletter, but I continue to get tweets about this idea, so I'm re-publishing the article here on my blog. This version has been lightly edited. I've been thinking about the consequences of the "wrong abstraction."

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Workaday Reading

The Git Rebase Introduction I Wish I'd Had

"One of the most important (and confusing) git features in my new job was rebasing. Looking back now, the worst part was not finding a clear beginner's guide. So for the past me, and any future devs like the past me, this intro is for you!"

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Workaday Reading

Understanding the Hidden Powers of curl

"curl is exceedingly powerful – unfortunately, much of this power is somewhat hidden in the purposeful non-verbosity and the underlying complexity of its numerous flags, configurations, and options. Once understood, curl boasts a wide range of powerful options."

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Workaday Reading

htop explained

"For the longest time I did not know what everything meant in htop. I thought that load average 1.0 on my two core machine means that the CPU usage is at 50%. That's not quite right. And also, why does it say 1.0? I decided to look everything up and document it here."
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Workaday Reading

Awesome Design Tools

"The best design tools for everything. Curated by Lisa Dziuba & Valia Havruliyk from Flawless team. Accessibility is the practice of creating websites and apps usable for all people, including individuals with visual, motor, auditory, speech, or cognitive disabilities."

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How to use an ssh config file to automatically change directories on login

Seems simple enough, but it took a couple sessions for me to figure out the magical combination. The context is that at work we have multiple sandboxes. There are personal ones and then a development and staging sandbox everyone pushes to. I wanted to run this simple Alfred workflow I use which pulls from my … Continued

Workaday Reading

Events API

"This event does not require a specific OAuth scope or subscription. You'll automatically receive it whenever configuring an request URL. The attributes Slack sends include: Careful, response URLs are case sensitive."

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