Reading Today

Episode 928: Hong Kong

"Jimmy Lai is one of the richest people in Hong Kong. And in some ways, the story of his rise is the story of Hong Kong itself. Jimmy was born in mainland China. In 1960, when he was 12 years old, he snuck out of China and into Hong Kong by hiding in the bottom of a fishing boat."

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Workaday Reading

Google Maps API links

"Using the Google Maps API v3 Links to examples of various useful things and documentation Using the Google Maps API V2 Links to examples of various useful things and documentation"

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Reading Today

Sokolsky Opening

"According to various databases, out of the twenty possible first moves from White, the move 1.b4 ranks ninth in popularity.[1] It is considered an irregular opening, so it is classified under the A00 code in the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO)."

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Workaday Reading

"Most serious software development projects use coding guidelines. These guidelines are meant to state what the ground rules are for the software to be written: how it should be structured and which language features should and should not be used. Curiously, there is little consensus on what a good coding standard is. Among the many that have been written there are remarkable few patterns to discern, except that each new document tends to be longer than the one before it."
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Git’s update-index’s assume-unchanged vs skip-worktree

We have some config files on my companies app which I need to change for my local install to work. I was using git update-index --assume-unchanged to ignore my local changes. This allowed me to switch between branches and commit The downfall to this is that this file hasn’t been touched in months and I … Continued

Mac OS X sound process fix

I fairly consistently have a bug where there is no audio on my MacBook Pro and switching to a different sound output doesn’t fix it. Until today I always restarted the computer but I did a little searching and found that killing the coreaudiod process in Activity Monitor quickly does the trick. Little victories.

Reading Today

Queen's Pawn Game

"In the most general sense the term Queen's Pawn Game can refer to any chess opening which starts with the move 1.d4. It is the second most popular opening move after 1.e4. The name is usually used to describe openings beginning with 1.d4 where White does not play the Queen's Gambit."

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Reading Today

Englund Gambit

"Black's idea is to avoid the traditional closed queen's pawn games and create an open game with tactical chances, but at the cost of a pawn. The gambit is considered weak; Boris Avrukh writes that 1...e5 "seems to me the worst possible reply to White's first move"."

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Reading Today

Scandinavian Defense

"The Center Counter Defense is one of the oldest recorded openings, first recorded as being played between Francesc de Castellví and Narcís Vinyoles in Valencia in 1475 in what may be the first recorded game of modern chess, and being mentioned by Lucena in 1497."

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Reading Today

Sicilian Defense

"The Sicilian Defense is the most popular defense against white’s opening 1.e4 and is used extensively at top level play. It is a very aggressive defense and immediately stakes claim at the center, denying white the double pawns on e4 and d4. Many chess champions actually prefer to start with 1.d4 because of how well the Sicilian Defense plays against 1.e4." read full text »

Workaday Reading


"If I am using icons that have more weight than the text, I typically make the icons slightly lighter than the text for inactive states ?? pic.twitter."

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