Programmatically Flush WordPress Permalink Rewrite Rules

When adding rewrite rules with add_rewrite_rule add this to the file you are editing and avoid clicking save on the permalink settings page. // do not use on live/production servers add_action( 'init','maybe_rewrite_rules' ); function maybe_rewrite_rules() { $ver = filemtime( __FILE__ ); // Get the file time for this file as the version number $defaults = … Continued

WordPress Admin Taxonomy Sidebar Resize

I’m currently setting up an admin for a clients redesign. There’s going to be a hefty amount of categories and I wanted to make the selector in the sidebar resizable for at least a little bit easier viewing. The simple if not completely cross browser friendly (chrome, ff, safari) way to do this is css’s resize.
/* #talent-categoriesdiv is the .postbox the parent box */
.wp-admin #talent-categoriesdiv .inside{
    /*set an initial height, otherwise it will expand to show all rows*/
    height: 300px;
    resize: vertical;
    overflow: scroll;

.wp-admin #talent-categoriesdiv .categorydiv{
    height: 100%

.wp-admin #talent-categoriesdiv .tabs-panel{
    height: calc( 100% - 78px );
    max-height: unset;

[wp_videojs mp4=""]


Workaday Reading

Global space

"Without any namespace definition, all class and function definitions are placed into the global space - as it was in PHP before namespaces were supported. Prefixing a name with \ will specify that the name is required from the global space even in the context of the namespace."

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Reading Today

The Glimmer Binary Experience

"A bit over a year ago, Ember.js got a major overhaul. In a tight collaboration between LinkedIn engineers and the open source community, we replaced Ember’s rendering engine with a new library, Glimmer VM, that improved performance and significantly reduced the size of compiled templates."

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Workaday Reading

HTTP 2 Server Push

"A year ago, I posted an article explaining the general concept of HTTP 2.0. Today we can finally use it for building websites as it is now supported by major browsers. This article will focus on HTTP 2.0 - Server Push, from what it is, the problems it solves, how to implement it (using commons."

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Using Object Spread Operator

"Since one of the core tenets of Redux is to never mutate state, you'll often find yourself using Object.assign() to create copies of objects with new or updated values. For example, in the todoApp below Object."

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Recomposing Redux

"Building your own Redux clone using the recompose library. Recompose is a set of helpers that create Higher Order Components (HOC) for React and add encapsulate behaviours that you can apply to any React component."

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Reading Today

Higher-Order Components

"A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. HOCs are not part of the React API, per se. They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature."

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Workaday Reading

Setup AWS S3 static website hosting using SSL (ACM)

"I registered a new domain ( and I want to use it to host a static website using S3 and Cloudfront. For this website I want an SSL connection using a AWS Certificate Manager certificate. Open the buckets properties and activate “Static website hosting”. Make note of the Endpoint URI."

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