Workaday Reading

Link Relations

"The Amazon API Gateway API includes the following link relations that you can use to access and modify Amazon API Gateway resources."

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Workaday Reading


"Use aws command help for information on a specific command. Use aws help topics to view a list of available help topics. The synopsis for each command shows its parameters and their usage. Optional parameters are shown in square brackets. Turn on debug logging."

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Workaday Reading


"Usage If I pushed this: /** * @todo Take over the world * @body Humans are weak; Robots are strong. We must cleanse the world of the virus that is humanity."

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Workaday Reading

Hacked Website Report 2017

"The latest malware and hacking trends in compromised websites. This report is based on data collected and analyzed by the Sucuri Remediation Group (RG), which includes the Incident Response Team (IRT) and the Malware Research Team (MRT)."

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Workaday Reading


"window.event is a proprietary Microsoft Internet Explorer property which is only available while a DOM event handler is being called. Its value is the Event object currently being handled."

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Workaday Reading

Use SSL with MAMP PRO 4

"Since I've updated to chrome 63, my sites in localhost are redirected to https, so I decided to use SSL with MAMP PRO but I can't make it work, chrome says Your connection is not private. As you've already highlighted, this issue started with a Chrome update which is forcing SSL on localhost *."

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Workaday Reading

Content Security Policy - An Introduction

"Content Security Policy is delivered via a HTTP response header, much like HSTS, and defines approved sources of content that the browser may load. It can be an effective countermeasure to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks and is also widely supported and usually easily deployed."

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Workaday Reading

A new security header: Referrer Policy

"Regular readers will know how fond I am of the existing security headers so it's great to hear that we're getting another! Referrer Policy will allow a site to control the value of the referer header in links away from their pages."

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Reading Today

Guys, REST APIs are not Databases

"One of the common mistakes developers make regarding REST API’s is to treat them as databases. They’re not! Visit any web framework documentation and at some point you’ll bump into a magic way of mapping database CRUD operations of ORM models with REST API endpoints."

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