Workaday Reading


"Now when you cd into a directory with a .node-version file, avn will automatically detect the change and use your installed version manager to switch to that version of node. What goes in your .node-version file? A semver version number corresponding to the version of Node.js that your project uses."

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Workaday Reading


"Append ?t=30 to start the playback at 30s, ?t=3:20 to start the playback at 3m 20s. Use snippets below to display a screenshot linking to this recording. Useful in places where scripts are not allowed (e.g. in a project's README file)."

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Workaday Reading

Autoplay Policy Changes

"Chrome's autoplay policies are about to change in 2018 and I'm here to tell you why and how this is going to affect video playback with sound. Spoiler alert: Users are going to love it!"

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Workaday Reading

URL Bar Resizing

"The resizing behavior of the URL bar is changing in Chrome on Android starting in version 56. Here's what you should know: Lengths defined in viewport units (i.e. vh) will not resize in response to the URL bar being shown or hidden."

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Reading Today

When a Mars Simulation Goes Wrong

"The drive to the little white dome on the northern slope of Mauna Loa is a bumpy one. Mauna Loa, the “Long Mountain,” is a colossal volcano that covers half of the island of Hawaii. The rocky terrain, rusty brown and deep red, crunches beneath car tires and jostles passengers."

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Reading Today


"CSS Paint API (also known as “CSS Custom Paint” or “Houdini’s paint worklet”) is about to be enabled by default in Chrome Stable. What is it? What can you do with it? And how does it work? Well, read on, will ya’…"

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Workaday Reading

Certificates for localhost

"Sometimes people want to get a certificate for the hostname “localhost”, either for use in local development, or for distribution with a native application that needs to communicate with a web application."

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