Reading Today

State of React Native 2018

"It's been a while since we last published a status update about React Native. At Facebook, we're using React Native more than ever and for many important projects. One of our most popular products is Marketplace, one of the top-level tabs in our app which is used by 800 million people each month."

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Current Project: Stone Roberts

I'm currently working on a site redesign/development for the painter Stone Roberts. There isn't anything to be seen as of yet, but there is a Github repo I'll keep updated as I go along. More info can be found on it's project page. [wp_videojs mp4=""]   [wp_videojs mp4=""]

Workaday Reading

Configuring ESLint

"ESLint is designed to be completely configurable, meaning you can turn off every rule and run only with basic syntax validation, or mix and match the bundled rules and your custom rules to make ESLint perfect for your project. There are two primary ways to configure ESLint:"

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