June 29, 2022 at 12:55PM
Reading Today
Humans can't endure temperatures and humidities as high as previously thought
"According to the researchers, while previous studies have theorized that a 35°C wet-bulb temperature was the upper limit of human adaptability, that temperature was based on theory and modeling and not real-world data from humans."
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From the Twitter
A Fun Sorting Lexicographically Bug

Ran into a fun little bug today. We have an integration that’s been around since 2016 where we save their id values as a string because we can’t rely on them not throwing in letters. Looking at the db it seems like they were earlier on but have been only using numbers for a while. … Continued
Workaday Reading
You Can't Buy Integration
"Commercial integration tools are a couple decades old now, but there has been little in the way of overarching architectural principles describing when and how to use them."
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Workaday Reading
Sorted Tables for Faster Range-Scans
"Most developers will use an automatically incrementing column for the primary key with insertion-order sorting for the table's data by default. However, rows belonging together are stored in the database file very far away, resulting in many disk fetch operations. When instead e.g."
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From the Twitter
From the Twitter
Git Message Verbosity

I love me a long git commit message. I’m telling a story and by George you’re going to see it, read it, and love it. Well, I think you should, I think my future self should.
Workaday Reading
Understanding WebViews
"WebViews allow you to display web content inside a native app, but they hide more tricks than just that. Find out what those tricks are! When it comes to accessing internet content, we typically use a browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge."
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From the Twitter
Workaday Reading
How To Optimize Laravel for Performance
"Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework that’s known for its robust security and simple yet sophisticated coding architecture. It’s a great choice for building cutting-edge web applications capable of driving revenue and propelling businesses forward."
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Workaday Reading
Software Engineering - The Soft Parts
"Today I'll share some of the software engineering "soft skills" I've learned from my first 10 years on Google Chrome, where I am a Senior Staff Engineering Manager. On my 10th anniversary, I wanted to reflect on some of lessons that have stayed with me."
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Workaday Reading
Adventures in AWS Lambda Land – a Migration Gone Well
"As many others did before and regretted later, we’ve decided to move a big part of our workload from long-running processes to Lambda. That said, we haven’t regretted it a bit. It’s been a breeze so far, even if there are a few shortcomings of Lambda, which are just annoying."
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Workaday Reading
5 Pitfalls of Upgrade to Native PHP Enums and How to Avoid Them
"Native PHP Enums came almost a year ago in PHP 8.1. It's pretty easy to add a new enum. But how do we handle the old hacks we used to use before enums were legal in PHP land? MyCLabs, Spatie, or constants list. Today we'll upgrade them all."
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Workaday Reading
When Everything is Important But Nothing is Getting Done
"The last company I worked for was a mid-stage startup with growing pains. What had started out as a nimble organization able to create impressive software now felt stuck."
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Workaday Reading
Serverless systems aren’t software systems
"If you don’t understand why this is, then you’re doing serverless wrong. The reason is that serverless systems are built on a foundation of building tiny and highly or completely decoupled systems within a much wider system."
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Workaday Reading
junegunn/fzf : A command-line fuzzy finder
"It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc. You can download fzf executable alone if you don't need the extra stuff."
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Workaday Reading
"asdf is a tool version manager. All tool version definitions are contained within one file (.tool-versions) which you can check in to your project's Git repository to share with your team, ensuring everyone is using the exact same versions of tools."
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Workaday Reading
A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
"NAME autojump - a faster way to navigate your filesystem DESCRIPTION autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem. It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line. Directories must be visited first before they can be jumped to."
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