Reading Today

What is Currying?

"And realized that we need a simpler tutorial to understand currying, the logic behind it, the nuances and the usage. We will be using Haskell for this tutorial, but this can be extended to any functional programming language."

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Reading Today

React, Redux and JavaScript Architecture

"The content of this article was originally presented to the Squiz Front-End Engineering group. Whether you use them or not, React and Redux are important. They have changed the way we think about structuring front-end web applications. They can be very powerful. But they are not magic."

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Reading Today

Neural Networks in JavaScript with deeplearn.js

"A couple of my recent articles gave an introduction into a subfield of artificial intelligence by implementing foundational machine learning algorithms in JavaScript (e.g. linear regression with gradient descent, linear regression with normal equation or logistic regression with gradient descent)." read full text »