Reading Today

Guys, REST APIs are not Databases

"One of the common mistakes developers make regarding REST API’s is to treat them as databases. They’re not! Visit any web framework documentation and at some point you’ll bump into a magic way of mapping database CRUD operations of ORM models with REST API endpoints."

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Reading Today

When a Mars Simulation Goes Wrong

"The drive to the little white dome on the northern slope of Mauna Loa is a bumpy one. Mauna Loa, the “Long Mountain,” is a colossal volcano that covers half of the island of Hawaii. The rocky terrain, rusty brown and deep red, crunches beneath car tires and jostles passengers."

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Reading Today


"CSS Paint API (also known as “CSS Custom Paint” or “Houdini’s paint worklet”) is about to be enabled by default in Chrome Stable. What is it? What can you do with it? And how does it work? Well, read on, will ya’…"

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Reading Today


"CSS Grid is a two-dimensional layout system created specifically to tackle grid-based user interfaces on the web. Grids are fundamental to the design of layouts."

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Reading Today

Building a Cross-Platform Mobile Team

"This is the third in a series of blog posts in which we outline our experience with React Native and what is next for mobile at Airbnb.In addition to the countless technical pros and cons of React Native, we learned a ton about what React Native means for an engineering organization."

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Reading Today

React Native at Airbnb: The Technology

"This is the second in a series of blog posts in which we outline our experience with React Native and what is next for mobile at Airbnb. React Native itself is a relatively new and fast-moving platform in the cross-section of Android, iOS, web, and cross-platform frameworks."

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Reading Today

React Native at Airbnb

"This is the first in a series of blog posts in which we outline our experience with React Native and what is next for mobile at Airbnb. When Airbnb launched 10 years ago, smartphones were in their infancy."

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Reading Today

A stand against the “easy” nodejs backend

"Now, that’s not to say that we think pal is hard to learn—quite the opposite! (As far as we can tell, folks find it delightful.) We just acknowledge that we have probably not solved all the hardest problems that you have in front of you as you embark on authoring your next web service."

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