Jetpack 404 not found: devicepx.js

Jetpack 404 not found: devicepx.js

While setting up this site I noticed some files not found errors in dev console. One was devicepx.js which was in the jetpack modules path. It’s used to optionally load retina/HiDPI versions of files. I believe it would be for gravatars and since this site doesn’t use gravatars I deemed it unnecessary. //remove unecessary queing … Continued

Earliest WordPress Hook Where Global $post Variable Exists

In the file wp-includes/class-wp.php there is a hook run which is simply named 'wp'. This, as far as I can tell, seems to be the earliest hook in which the $post object variable exists. The hook is passed the &$this object which the comments state: references the WP object. It allows for accessing the properties … Continued

Disable WordPress visual editor without losing media upload and insertion support

Disabling the visual text editor in a users settings page or by the following code in your functions.php file may have an unintended consequence. //hide visual editor add_filter('user_can_richedit', create_function('', 'return false;'), 50); While it will remove the visual editor it also removes media upload capabalities (without removing the ‘add media’ button to boot!). A way … Continued