Workaday Readings are the droll, dry, and dear pages I continuously tick through during my day.

This is shop talk, not for general consumption! (lest you want to fall asleep 😉 )

Workaday Reading

Using Object Spread Operator

"Since one of the core tenets of Redux is to never mutate state, you'll often find yourself using Object.assign() to create copies of objects with new or updated values. For example, in the todoApp below Object."

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Workaday Reading

Recomposing Redux

"Building your own Redux clone using the recompose library. Recompose is a set of helpers that create Higher Order Components (HOC) for React and add encapsulate behaviours that you can apply to any React component."

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Workaday Reading

Setup AWS S3 static website hosting using SSL (ACM)

"I registered a new domain ( and I want to use it to host a static website using S3 and Cloudfront. For this website I want an SSL connection using a AWS Certificate Manager certificate. Open the buckets properties and activate “Static website hosting”. Make note of the Endpoint URI."

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