Workaday Readings are the droll, dry, and dear pages I continuously tick through during my day.

This is shop talk, not for general consumption! (lest you want to fall asleep šŸ˜‰ )

Workaday Reading

Certificates for localhost

"Sometimes people want to get a certificate for the hostname ā€œlocalhostā€, either for use in local development, or for distribution with a native application that needs to communicate with a web application."

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Workaday Reading


"Delegated event listeners A small, fast delegated event library for JavaScript. Usage import {on, off, fire} from 'delegated-events'; // Listen for browser-generated events. on('click', '.js-button', function(event) { console."

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Workaday Reading

Web App Install Banners

"There are two types of app install banners: web app install banners and native app install banners. They let users quickly and seamlessly add your web or native app to their home screens without leaving the browser."

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