Workaday Readings are the droll, dry, and dear pages I continuously tick through during my day.

This is shop talk, not for general consumption! (lest you want to fall asleep 😉 )

Workaday Reading

Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?

"I already know that apply and call are similar functions which setthis (context of a function). The difference is with the way we send the arguments (manual vs array) Question: But when should I use the bind() method ? var obj = { x: 81, getX: function() { return this.x; } }; alert(obj.getX."

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Workaday Reading


"This is an experimental technology Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers."

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Workaday Reading

Pointer Lock API

"The Pointer Lock API (formerly called Mouse Lock API) provides input methods based on the movement of the mouse over time (i.e., deltas), not just the absolute position of the mouse cursor in the viewport."

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Workaday Reading

A Sage 9 + ACF debugging technique

"Thought I would share a debugging technique that’s working out well for me at the moment. I’ve never had any successes getting Xdebug and VS Code to play nicely but this technique also covers Advanced Custom Fields too."

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