Workaday Reading
PHP: Frankenstein arrays
"One of the core data types in PHP is the array. Mostly unchanged since the early beginnings of the language. The name "array" is a bit unfortunate, as well as the implementation. It is not really an array."
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Workaday Reading
Experiment on your code freely with Git worktree
"Git is designed in part to enable experimentation. Once you know that your work is safely being tracked and safe states exist for you to fall back upon if something goes horribly wrong, you're not afraid to try new ideas."
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Workaday Reading
From the Twitter
Reading “Seeing That Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising” by the late Rob Burbea. Something to take in little bites as time allows you to know and not just read it. 😉
— Kevin Clark (@gonnatryanyways) Jan 10, 2022
Reading Today
Web3 is Bullshit
"If you read tech journalism you’ll probably hear the fuzzy term web3 bandied about in the press. Sprinkled around all these articles are all manner of idealistic and utopian ideas about how we can rebuild the internet to reflect our aspirations of a more humane and egalitarian society."
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Reading Today
Reading Today
Gravitational Waves Should Permanently Distort Space-Time
"The “gravitational memory effect” predicts that a passing gravitational wave should forever alter the structure of space-time. Physicists have linked the phenomenon to fundamental cosmic symmetries and a potential solution to the black hole information paradox."
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Reading Today
HIST 119
"Professor David Blight: In a speech before the Virginia Secession Convention, in 1861, in late April, in the wake of the firing on Fort Sumter, the newly elected--sort of appointed--Vice-President of the Confederacy, Alexander H."
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Workaday Reading
AWS Free Tier Data Transfer Expansion – 100 GB From Regions and 1 TB From Amazon CloudFront Per Month
"The AWS Free Tier has been around since 2010 and allows you to use generous amounts of over 100 different AWS services. Some services offer free trials, others are free for the first 12 months after you sign up, and still others are always free, up to a per-service maximum."
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Workaday Reading
Svelte's lifecycle methods can be used anywhere
"I don't think it's widely known that you can call the Svelte lifecycle methods (onMount, onDestroy, beforeUpdate, afterUpdate) outside of a component. It is mentioned in the Svelte docs and tutorial, though it's easy to gloss over."
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Workaday Reading
Choose Boring Technology
"Probably the single best thing to happen to me in my career was having had Kellan placed in charge of me. I stuck around long enough to see Kellan’s technical decisionmaking start to bear fruit. I learned a great deal from this, but I also learned a great deal as a result of this."
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Reading Today
Western Boom Cities See Spike in Harmful Ozone
"The reduction of harmful ground-level ozone across most of the U.S. over the past several decades has been an air pollution success story."
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Reading Today
Moxie Marlinspike >> Blog >> We Should All Have Something To Hide
"Suddenly, it feels like 2000 again. Back then, surveillance programs like Carnivore, Echelon, and Total Information Awareness helped spark a surge in electronic privacy awareness."
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Workaday Reading
Visitor Pattern
"The Visitor Pattern isn't used often. This is because there are few situations in which it is applicable or even makes sense. However, it's a nice pattern to know and to have in your tool belt when the time comes. Let's look at how this pattern can be applied in a PHP environment."
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Workaday Reading
Ensuring data(base) consistency during concurrent requests
"Bugs caused by race conditions can be a huge source or frustration. They are difficult to identify and often difficult to remedy. As part of my day to day job at Mollie, guarding against data inconsistencies is always top of mind."
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Workaday Reading
Trie in Javascript: the Data Structure behind Autocomplete
"We've already covered the basics of tree data structure in three posts. If you haven't gone through those yet, I would strongly going through the introductory post at the very least. Trie is a variation of tree data structure. It's also referred to as prefix tree or a variation of search tree."
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Workaday Reading
Modern Php Cheatsheet
"This document is a cheatsheet for Php you will frequently encounter in modern projects and most contemporary sample code."
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Installing xdebug for use on remote server

I used instructions found in the PHPStorm docs with the xdebug3 set of code. I’m just going to mention some specifics that aren’t listed in the PHPStorm docs or that I found particularly key. Setting up an SSH tunnel This sets up a way for your remote server to talk to your local computer. … Continued
Reading Today
Our entire solar system may exist inside a giant magnetic tunnel, says astrophysicist
"You and everyone you know live inside a massive magnetic tunnel, according to new research from the University of Toronto."
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