Workaday Reading


"The architecture of the Video.js player is centered around components. The Player class and all classes representing player controls and other UI elements inherit from the Component class. This architecture makes it easy to construct the user interface of the Video."

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Workaday Reading

Git Catastrophes and Tips to Avoid Them

"In this post, I'd like to highlight some git features that might be less used/known, but can end up saving your @$$ when things go south in the codebase. Fortunately, it is really hard to irrevocably mess something up with git, as long as you have the .git hidden folder in your project intact!"

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Facebook’s Related Articles Fact Checker

Facebook’s Related Articles Fact Checker

I saw this on facebook for the first time today. Could have been around for a while, I don’t know. I appreciate it though. Saves me doing it myself and how often do I end up at anyways.  

Playing Scattergories with Grayson

Me: Something you keep hidden, starts with an “s” Grayson: Does “cake” start with a “c” or an “s”? ? for the win!

Updating MAMP (ramblings whilst trying to update mamp)

Updating MAMP (ramblings whilst trying to update mamp)

I am a MAMP user. I’ve used it since March of 2014. I have lot’s of projects in my MAMP’s htdoc directory. I could probably clean them out/archive them, more often then I do but I don’t (I have it all on Github so there’s really no reason why). In any case, I quickly learned … Continued

Workaday Reading

How To Enable SFTP Without Shell Access on Ubuntu 16.04

"SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol. As its name suggests, it's a secure way of transferring files to a server using an encrypted SSH connection. Despite the name, it's a completely different protocol than FTP (File Transfer Protocol), though it's widely supported by modern FTP clients."

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Moving a site from Drupal to WordPress

Moving a site from Drupal to WordPress

Exporting from Drupal Use Views Data Export module and these instructions. When exporting tags there’s a couple options. 1. You can have all the added tags in one field value. 2. You can export each taxonomy individually. Depending on how you want the tags within the WP site you may prefer one way or another. … Continued

Alfred Mac OS X Dark Mode Workflow

Alfred is great, I’m absolutely reliant on it. Everyone has their workflow lists and maybe I’ll do mine sometime, but here’s a quick one: alfred-dark-mode